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Interview: The Relaxation Step

My guest today is none other than The Relaxation Step! The music promoter’s YouTube channel has over 200 videos on the channel and over 4000 subscribers! The tagline for the channel “All things chilled” makes perfect sense with the music been featured! Tim who runs the channel was kind enough to give up some free time, to do this interview!

3.47: How did the name come about?
The Relaxation Step: The Relaxation Step came about one day when Scott Davey was listening to some relaxing tunes, and came across an image of a girl sitting on a staircase step with headphones on – “The Relaxation Step”.

3.47: Who is the person behind The Relaxation Step? Or is it more than one person?
TRS: Scott Davey from Ireland actually built this whole thing from the ground up, it wasn’t until recently that he passed it along to myself, Tim Hester. It’s been great having such an outlet, for sure.

3.47: How did it first come about opening a channel?
TRS: The Relaxation Step was started up when Scott realized a lot of the other ”chilled” channels weren’t capturing the full spectrum of the genre, so he started his own to do so.

3.47: If you had the power to run your own label, what would you call it?
TRS: At this point I feel like the idea of what a label “is”, is constantly changing. I’ve thought of starting up a faux-label type thing that’s mostly internet based, but I hope to learn more about the inner workings of all of that before jumping in. In which case “The Relaxation Step” might be a good starting point as is.

3.47: What makes your channel stand out from everyone else?
TRS: You can always plan on getting different flavors of chill on our channel. From straight chillwave, to downtempo, ambient, electronic, to trip-hop – you name it!

3.47: What is your favourite song at the moment?
TRS: Currently I’ve been listening to ‘‘Spooky Black – Without You’‘ quite a bit, it’s got a nice dark, chill vibe to it. I also recently found out the kid is only like 16 or something crazy like that, so I’m thinking there might be some more good stuff coming from him soon.

3.47: Did you ever think it will get this big?
TRS: It’s actually impressive to see the growth for this blog. Not just on YouTube, but on our Facebook as well. I doubt Scott ever though it would get as big as it is now either. It’s good to see so many people tagging along even though we don’t always put up tracks that are crazy popular.

3.47: Any hidden talents you got?
TRS: Yeah! I actually spend most of my time making music as well. I produce under the name LonelyDances . It’s pretty experimental stuff. I’ve been finding a nice mix of natural instruments and electronics lately, trying to craft something a bit different for people.

3.47: You have a great selection of music on your channel; do you find it hard picking tracks at times?
TRS: It’s definitely hard to find/pick music to post sometimes. There’s so much music out there that usually when I start digging into it I find SO MUCH good stuff. I also tend to go through phases of listening to music though. I just went through a lull with the station because I was listening to such different music that wouldn’t really fit in and didn’t have much time to dig into the chill side of it. It’s always something with me, haha.

3.47: Has the YouTube policy made it harder for you to keep some tracks on your channel at all?
TRS: It doesn’t seem to be much of a problem for us. Since we promote mostly independent artists it doesn’t come up much right now..

3.47: If you could run YouTube what would you change?
TRS: If I ran YouTube I’d probably run it into the ground, BUT I would be paying more attention to the way the new music contracts are being handled. I read that a lot of the smaller scale labels aren’t signing on to keep their music on YouTube’s new service, which seems to mean blogs like ours will no longer be able to post them. I don’t really know much about it, but I hope they rethink their strategy on this one..

3.47: Quite a few YouTube music channels have their own merchandise, is this also something you are looking to do in the future?
TRS: If the channel continues to grow like it is, I can definitely see that happening. I would probably start small with some stickers and go from there.

3.47: What do you do in your spare time?
TRS: I’m always working on music. If I have spare time, I usually try to get a collaboration or two started. It’s always fun to work with new people and blend some styles!

3.47: What can we expect from you in the future?
TRS: Other then a lot more posts of chilled out music, you can plan on seeing another compilation coming out by the end of the year. The first compilation we put out went over well, and I know so many talented producers and artists that I plan on tying together into this next one here pretty soon!

3.47: Final question, do you have anything you like to say to your fans out there?
TRS: Just that we really appreciate the love! I’m so happy to be part of a blog that gets a consistent crowd that is so open minded with the music they’re listening to. Thanks for keeping with us, and we hope you stay posted with us for the future!

3.47 would like to say a massive thank you to The Relaxation Step for spending the time doing the interview! Until next time guys!

The Relaxation Step Links


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